This is the story of a 4-year-old orphant refugee Vietnamese girl who ended up as a high-end designer.
The girl’s name was Thi Thao Vi. Destiny had it that she ended up growing up with a Danish family in a small town in the north of Denmark.
She found her inner peace when she drew dresses or made clothes. The escape from reality developed into a real passion for elegance and exclusivity.
When she was 16 her teacher caught her drawing in class and was astounded by what she saw. She decided to put the girl in contact with a friend who tought design at a prestigious design school.
The girl now knew she wanted to be a designer. She studied elegance and celebs. Coco Chanel became her idol.
The girl’s name is now Vi Ramlov Hyttel. She grew up and now has family and kids, but one thing has not changed – she still designs clothes.
She cares about the details – from when she chooses a fabric to adjusting the fit to perfection and demanding excellent sewing technique.
Vi wants to create clothes that bring out women’s beauty and elegance and make women forget their uncertainty and help them find their own fantasy worlds.
The quality of Vi’s work quickly made her clothes a popular choice for stylists, and thus Thi Thao Copenhagen’s clothes are in the media on a regular basis.
Click the picture to go to our webshop where you can see some of the clothes Vi has created.