Post your Thi Thao product for Vintage sale

The philosophy is simple – if we increase the use what we produce, then we reduce the materials consumed to make new products.

Thank you for helping us extend the usage of your Thi Thao clothes.

Easy Vintage selling

Basically, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to sell your vintage items. Therefore we handle the whole process for you.

All you need to do, is to email us what it is we have to post for you, and provide us the data and images we need, and then we handle the process from there.

Your email should include this:

  1. Your name and contact details (phone and preferred email)
  2. Description of the Vintage product you want to sell
  3. Size info
  4. 1-3 images of the product – e.g. 1) Front 2) Back and 3) Picture of yourself wearing the product at a setting

Send the email to with the subject “Vintage”. Then wait for our reply about suggested Vintage price.

If you approve of our suggested Vintage price, we will then post the product.

Hints for submitting your Vintage products