What kind of data do we collect
When you place an order with us, we collect your full name, address, phone number and e-mail address in order to process your order.
If you order an item that must be custommade for you according to your measurements, then we measure you either manually or electronically.
In order to improve our customer’ online experience we might also place cookies on your computer when you visit our website.
How we store your data
Manual measurements are witten down in our physical customer book together with your contact details. They are also entered into our customer database. Your measurements will appear on our internal production documents, and when we custommake a style for you, we will save the patterns with your name on them.
For customers whom we are in regular contact with , we might also store your name and phone number on the mobile phones belonging to the persons you are in regular contact with.
What we use your data for
Your name and contact details are used to stay in contact with you about the delivery, we must make for you. This contact may be by phone, email or via personal messages via social media platforms. We also keep your contact details and order details for 2 years after delivery in order to solve any claims that might incur.
Your measurements are used to enable us to make the clothes for you according to your measurement.
If you consent, we may use your data for marketing purposes
We like to stay in close contact with our customers. This gives us the opportunity to cooperate with our customers about their wardropes. For personal contact intended for specific individuals we might use any communication platform such as phone, email, text message, or personal social media messages.
Cookies placed on your computer help us taget our marketing to increase the relevance of your online experience. The cookies might therefore result in you seeing adverts from us when you browse the internet.
When you consent to marketing from us, we might send you emails and electronic newsletters that keep you updated about Thi Thao Copenhagen and offers you participation in contests and informs you about possible special offers on the products we sell.
Who has access to your data
Your data is available to Thi Thao Copenhagen’s employees and partners to the extend it is necessary for them to perform their job. No data will be sold to third parties, and no employees are allowed to keep your data after they stop working for Thi Thao Copenhagen.
Erasing your data
We will throw away your patterns and erase your data after they have not been in use for 2 years. If you wish your data erased sooner, you may request us to do so by email to thithao@thithao.com. Please write, ”Please erase my data” in the subject line.
We will also give you the opportunity to unsubscribe with any newsletter we send to you.