Happy Birthday to us – read about the celebrations

The Thi Thao brand is now 10 years old. We are celebrating the whole month of November. On this page you can read about the celebrations as we reveal them.


Thursday 31 October:

Celebrations start – We offer 3 for 2 on all purchases of ready-to-wear (cheapest is free). This offer runs until Saturday 9/11 2024.

Thursday 31 October:

Late night shopping 18h00-20h00. Please sign up, if you want to participate. We will only stay open for long, if we know that it helps you. Free sign-up by email to thithao@thithao.com

Saturday 2 November:

Intro for new customers 12h00-13h00. Hear all the extra opportunities Thi Thao offers: Free sign-up by email to thithao@thithao.com

Monday 4 November:

Our 3 for 2 offer is still on until Saturday this week.

From today we have opened the opportunity to shop via FaceTime. Call us in advance on (+45) 35 14 22 22 to arrange a time that suits you.

If we do not have already your measurements, then we will ask you to use our AI-powered remote body measurement tool prior to the FaceTime call in order for us to know your clothing size.

Tuesday 5 November:

Today we sent out a video about the sustainability values we have built Thi Thao on. You can see it here:


Thursday 7 November:

Late night shopping 18h00-20h00. Please sign up, if you want to participate. We will only stay open for long, if we know that it helps you. Free sign-up by email to thithao@thithao.com

Monday 11 November:

The celebrations continue. This week has a business theme. We call it Business Week. The whole week, we will focus on good work style. Follow us on Instagram to see our daily styling tip stories.

The whole week we offer you 25% discount on all business dresses and jumpsuits. you can choose from the store, or we can make the dresses and jumpsuits in the colors you want…and you still earn vouchers on your purchases.

We can also sew after your specific measurements – this requires quite a bit of extra work for us, and therefore there is a DKK 2.000,- add-on price the first time you order a design.

Please feel free to book us for a styling session. You can call us on (+45) 35 14 22 22 or read more and book here.

Monday 18 November:

This week offer you 25% discount on all our clothes (except gala dresses).

You still earn vouchers worth 2.000 DKK on purchases over 5.000 DKK. Vouchers can be used until Christmas for non-discounted purchases over 5.0000 DKK.

Friday 22 November

Thank you for requesting. From today and the rest of November you can also use our 25% discount offer in our webshop. Please use code: Birthday25 at checkout.

Monday 25 November


Until 30 November we offer you 3 for 2 (cheapest free) on ALL clothes in our physical store in Løvstraede 8, 1152 Copenhagen K (except gala dresses).

Our online birthday -25% sale continues also until 30. November. Please use code: Birthday25 at checkout.

Category picture for jackets from Thi Thao Copenhagen

Try our 3D remote measurement service

This is a great option if you are unable to attend our events or visit our store. The tool creates a virtual avatar of you, and allows us to unlock parts of our custom-made universe to you.

Read about our Christmas service